The college library is a major asset which the college can proudly boast of. Enriched with classics and contemporary books staked side by side the library has not so big yet relevant collection of books which are imparted to students and staff liberally. A reading room is attached to library so as to enable the students and teachers likewise to make an optimum utilization of their spare time. For this purpose umpteen journals and fort night lies are available .
General Library Rules :
Library will remain open on each working day from 10 AM to 5 PM.
Students will be issued two books at a time.
The timing for the return and issuing of the books for the students is from 10AM to 2PM.
For obtaining the books from the library every student will have to necessarily present his/her Identity Card.
Issuing of the book depends upon its availability in the library.
Generally books are issued for one month. On expiry of one month period, students may change the books.
Students will have to return all the books of the library before the commencement of the examination and they will be issued no dues certificate to this effect. No dues certificate will not be issued without returning the books. From this session, cost of the books will not be realised at the time of issuing no dues certificate.
For issuance of the books from the library, the students will themselves have to be present. Books will not be issued without identity card.
Time table will be framed for issuing books for students of each class. Students will have to get the books issued by being present on date and time fixed. The time table for this purpose will be pasted on the notice board.
The students are self-responsible for the proper maintenance of the book
The students will be debarred from the examination if books are not properly maintained or not returned before the stipulated time.
For the purpose fulfilment of above mentioned conditioned tranquil atmosphere is expected in the library.
E Granythalaya
A digital platform called E granthalaya was created by India’s National Information Centre, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, for use by government libraries to automate internal processes and provide member services and networking for resource sharing. Rajkiya Mahavidyalaya Bazpur is registered with E Granthalaya. All the students and teachers have memberber ID of this portal.
N-List: E Shodh-Sindhu
- Administrator: Dr. Atul Upreti
- Technical Person: Mr. Sanjeev Singh
Nlist gives students, researchers, and faculty from colleges and other beneficiary institutions access to electronic resources. Once they have been properly authenticated as authorized users through servers deployed at the INFLIBNET Centre, the authorised users from colleges can now access electronic resources and download the articles they need directly from the publisher’s website.
All the teaching faculty, Research scholars and P. G. students of all faculties are members if Nlist.