Govt PG College, Bazpur

  E- Magazine      05949-282140

Botany, the branch of biology deals with the study of plants. Plants are the only producers on earth and also the greatest means of utilizing energy from the sun. All the consumers particularly human being have been absolutely dependent upon plants for food, shelter, clothing etc. from the early stages of the civilization. Thus, knowledge of plants their habitats, structure, metabolism and inheritance is the basic foundation for man’s survival. The wealth of vegetation that adorns the earth shows a vast array of diversity of form and mode of life. Some of them are minute floating herbs with a very simple construction while others are gigantic trees attaining a height of hundreds of meters and with very complex structure. To meet an ever increasing demand for plant products an application of the knowledge of botany has been considered to be of great importance for better utilization of it. Man has also tried to tap plants as source for his comforts and varied use by exploiting his scientific knowledge and has been successful in this direction to a great extent.

Overexploitation, epidemics, habitat destruction, modification and other anthropogenic natural stresses have forced many valuable plant species to become extinct. Simultaneously, these factors are continuously threatening the very survival of great number of plant species. Conservation of endangered plant species and genetic resources is being done by several ex-situ and in-situ methods all over the world. Public awareness may play an important role in conserving the flora.

In the department, at post graduation level Plant Pathology is the elective paper which is intimately related to the health of plant and the production of crop yields. It has special relevance in agriculture countries like India which are fast developing and where much still needs to be done in the modernization of control measures against plant diseases. The loss caused by plant diseases would certainly amount to hundreds of crores of rupees annually taking into account of all the crops. Hence, study on Plant Pathology is always essential.

Biotechnology is also included in the syllabus, which is the fastest growing applied science acknowledged for the amelioration of many human problems- industrial, medicinal and nutritional. Most commentators are agreed that biotechnological developments under the impact of genetic engineering will be dominated by high value added products over the decade. One is sure that biotechnology however will continue to provide opportunities and challenges in the areas of applied and basic researches unforeseen in the past.

U. G. (B. Sc.) and P. G. (M. Sc.) classes are running at present in the department. In 2012 U. G. classes were started and after 3 years i.e., in 2015 P. G. classes came into existence. There is one section in Biology group at U. G. level. 

S.No Name of Faculty Designation Photograph
1 Dr. Reeta Sachan In-charge of Department (view resume) Associate Professor
1 Dr. Neelam Manola (view resume) Assistant Professor  
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